
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Structure of Public Institutions in Bangladesh

Public institutions refers to those institutions which are directly involved in policy formulation and implementation process. These institutions are the core element of formulating and implementing process of government and these institutions are more conceptualized as it it’s directly involved in public affairs and more importantly they are directly run by the ruling government. Public Administration institutions are mainly those administrative bodies which deals with public policy implementation and formulation, hardly these are focused on the judicial activities.
The Concept of public institutions are practiced in our constitution form the British regime. Now, Bangladesh carries a well-structured public administration system and related public institutions as well.
From the structure of present administrative system, public administrative system can divided into :-

·         Executive Body
·         Legislative Body
·         Constitutional Body
·         Local Government Body

Executive Body: 

Public administration largely deals with the executive body of the country. It can be said that the executive body is the heart of public administration. Execution body basically deals with the implementation the policies. The entire executive body can be divided into two parts:-

1.       Central Body
2.       Field Administrative Body

Central Body: 

Central body is further divided into many parts such as ministry, division, department, wing, section, and branch. In the present structure, these are ministry in Bangladesh .The administrative head of the ministry are the secretaries (public servant) and the political head of the ministry are ministers.

Figure: Heretical Structure of Central Bodies

Field Administrative Body: 

Field administration unit refers to that unit which works for policy implementation within a fixed geographic area. Field administrative units are divided into two terms and those are district, division and upazila parishad. These institution basically starches the policies from central government to the field.

Legislative Body:  

Legislative body refers to that administrative body which deals with the policy formulation. In Bangladesh legislative body mainly means to parliament which is headed by the honorable prime minister and these are 300 seats which is filled up based on representative selected by popular votes and 50 seats are reserved for particularly women representative.

Constitutional Body: 

Constitutional body refers to that administrative unit which is instructed as well as formulated based on provision of the constitution. These institutions are mainly focused on the implementation and continuation of the provisions of constitution public policy implementation. Prime minister’s office, president’s office and parliaments are statuary body and other constitutional bodies are :-

  • Controller and audit general
  • Public Service Commission
  • Attorney General
  • Election Commission Bangladesh

These institutions plays vital role in the continuation of the policy and each of the statuary body plays their own significant role according to the constitution.

Local Government: 

Local body is the significant public administrative institution which deals directly to the local people for implementation.  Local body is structured in three sires

Ø  Zila Parishad
Ø  Upazila Parishad
Ø  Union Parishad

It is found that 75% of the success depends largely into these fixed geographical based administrative unit. These institutions are skeleton of entire administrative system. The policy formulation, implementation, execution all these institutions. Any tasks are performed by these institutions. Any useful policy can fail if that policy is not properly executed by the entire administrative system. So, in the administrative system these public administrative institutions plays irreplaceable roles.

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